Friday, April 20, 2018 from 6-9 pm. This is a very fun fundraiser for the Magnolia Chamber of Commerce. We will have 11 venues in the Village with wines tasting (and French Cider also!). The Chamber will receive a portion of the sale proceeds and wine/cider purchases you make during the event are TAX FREE.
Everyone is welcome to join and support the Chamber. Families or individuals pay only $60. per year to be a member and support our community events such as Summerfest, Winterfest, Trick-or-Treat in the Village, Art Walk and more.
GREAT DEAL: If you purchase a Chamber membership before registering for Vino in the Village, you will receive one free ticket to the Vino event!
Go to to purchase tickets and/or Chamber membership. Purchase a membership and receive a promo code for the free Vino ticket. Save money by purchasing tickets before the day of the event. You may also purchase tickets the evening of the event at Modele’s.
We look forward to seeing you. Modele’s will also have live music!
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